Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sandy versus Westfield

Lou's uncle's house
Lou's backyard
Lou Bace Hogan sent a few photos of the results of hurricane Sandy in her neighborhood.
Three houses down
Two houses down
Two fir trees snapped and fell in her backyard. One landed on her uncle's house. Fortunately, there was no structural damage done.

Two and three doors down from Lou's house homes did suffer some roof damage but still appear to be sound.

Trees have been the main problem with long power outages  in Westfield and throughout central NJ. I found this article which may explain why restoring service has been slow. Or not. Lou tells us that Pam Dorne just got her power back on the other day. Carole Plowcha emailed her with news that her power is out again after the latest storm and that she is now staying with friends.

I asked Lou what have been the biggest headaches for her after Sandy:

" No power for 8 full days. Waiting in a gas line for three and a half hours so Ed and I could get to my cousin's son's wedding (50 miles away) last Sunday. We would not have been able to make it back and forth on our gas tank. One of 2 fir trees falling on my uncle's house next door to us."

Other members of the class who live in the Sandy destruction zone may have their own stories to report. We're still waiting to hear from a few that have not responded yet to emails and phone calls.

FYI  Not that this has anything to do with the subject at hand I just saw that the class blog has now over 5000 hits since it started. There are a total of 53 comments.

Photo credits: Lou Bace Hogan


Anonymous said...

9 Dec 2012

Lou's photos of the damage done on Beverly Drive show the incredible power of the hurricane, even as removed as Westfield is from coastal areas. Pleased to know that Lou, and everybody else, came through this without harm to life and limb.

Charlie Mattina

Lou Bace Hogan said...

Thanks, Charlie. We count our blessings.